5 Steps to Move Stored Energy in Your Body
Your body is a sacred vessel.
A vessel that holds stories, patterns, and of course – energy.
This energy courses through you and is the through line in everything you do. It gives you the power to create, to build, to connect, to experience pleasure, and so much more.
Sometimes this energy gets blocked or stored in certain areas, creating a sense of stagnancy, and blocking you in different ways.
If you want to keep moving forward and make meaningful changes in your life, you have to understand how to work with this energy and move it. Keep reading to learn how to do that!
1) Identify stored energy
The first step is to be able to identify where in your body this energy is being stored. It’s helpful to look at the chakra system here.
There are seven main chakras in the human body, moving from the base of your spine (your root chakra) to the top of your head (the crown chakra). Most energy blocks occur along these chakras.
It’s also common that if you have a large amount of stored energy in one area, you may experience stored blocks in the neighboring chakras.
These are some blocks you may experience:
Blocks around love and money (sacral and root chakra)
A lack of personal power (solar plexus chakra)
A disconnect from your sense of purpose (heart chakra)
Blocks around speaking your truth (throat chakra)
Blocks around your intuition (third eye chakra)
Some people even experience physical symptoms in response to having stored energy in one area like headaches (third eye) or lower back pain (root chakra).
Knowing what you’re working with is the first step in moving that energy.
2) Create self-care rituals
Moving stored energy can take time, but with the right tools and intentions, it will happen.
Once you identify what you wanna work on, start to create a specific ritual around that area of the body. The more time you spend with this ritual, the more energy will be moved, and you'll start to receive messages about what is blocked in that part of your body and why.
For example, if you want to move energy around your heart, a breast massage practice is a beautiful place to start.
Grab this Breast Massage Oil ~ Shemana Heart Activation ($55 AUD), designed to awaken the essence of the true Heart. This oil soothes emotional trauma, removes blockages, and activates the Heart Chakra, allowing the presence of unconditional love to be felt.

You can move intuitively or follow this Guided Breast Massage Practice ($20 AUD), a 21-minute practice, guided by Yoni Pleasure Palace founder Rosie Rees. This is a nurturing journey designed to awaken your breasts and foster deep self-love.
Or if you want to move energy in your sacral chakra, we recommend yoni steaming –– a very calming and grounding experience, that’s also very detoxing for the womb and yoni. You’ll of course need Yoni Steam Herbs ($38 AUD) for this ritual!

Every day might be different. Some days it can be easier to drop into your ritual than others and that’s totally ok!
3) Consider seeing a practitioner
There are a number of holistic modalities that focus on helping you move energy so you can release stagnancy in the body.
While your own practice is just as important, it can be incredibly helpful to see a practitioner who is skilled in this to help break through big blocks and get you started on the right path.
Some modalities to consider are:
Acupuncture: This uses thin needles to move energy along your meridian lines (similar to the chakra system).
Reiki: A type of hands-on (or sometimes virtual) healing that helps promote the movement of energy so the body, mind, and soul can heal themselves.
Yoni Massage: A hands-on practice designed to facilitate healing, pleasure, and a deep connection with your body.
Somatic Experiencing: This is a therapy that helps people process trauma and stress by focusing on physical sensations. Therapists help you to explore and release physical tension and emotions.
4) Tap into pleasure
Pleasure is one of the most powerful tools to move stored energy in your body. Pleasure comes in all different forms, from giggling with loved ones to dancing in your room by yourself at night.
Pleasure is a potent tool to create change in your life and something that can never be taken away from you.
We love combining pleasure with the power of black obsidian to move energy in the body. When used with heartfelt intention, this grounding and protective stone may help release and clear dense emotions around sexual shame or trauma that is blocking you from being your most magnetic self.
Our Obsidian Curve ($204 AUD) is a powerful wand that was created with a gentle bend that follows the vagina’s natural curve and a bulbous tip for g-spot and cervical stimulation –– unlocking deeper vaginal orgasms.

This Black Obsidian Yoni Egg ($70 AUD) is powerful for clearing negative energy from your womb. When inserted deep inside the vagina for approximately 30 minutes a day, women can notice a dramatic improvement in their pelvic floor health, bladder control, and overall internal sensation and orgasmic potential.

5) Reflect on your journey
Making a conscious decision to move energy in your body is huge. This is you practicing your free will and deciding to change things in your life.
This is the start of real, meaningful change.
It can take time to see huge changes, but you can notice patterns by reflecting on this journey through a journal practice. Even just the act of writing can help move energy!

Go at your own pace and revel in over 14 modules of sexually empowering masterclasses, tutorials, guided meditations, guest interviews and practical yoni egg exercises plus a monthly women's sister circle on Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month. If you desire consistency, connection and community, this VIP Golden Yoni portal is the perfect place to be. Sign up now for only $40/month with no lock in contracts.