Meet A Yoni Massage Therapist: Chris Muse

Trained by Institute for the study of Somatic Sex Education, Canada 2016

Chris Muse

Chris works as a trauma-informed somatic sex educator, sexological bodyworker, couples coach, and relationship mentor. With almost 2 decades of experience in sexual studies, somatic mindfulness, authentic relating, and psychology, she holds a competent, safe space for people to reconnect with their erotic power and sense of belonging in the world.

The journey of erotic discovery began in early childhood for Chris. Fascinated by sex, intimacy, and truth-telling, her curiosity led to early and sometimes dangerous experimentation with more than a few hard lessons learned. Without good mentors and honest education about sex, she regularly abandoned her own pleasure and operated with painful and confusing beliefs such as 'her body is for other’s enjoyment', 'seduction equals power', and 'a woman’s worth comes from her desirability'. It was a difficult start, and unfortunately, versions of her story are common.

In 2000, she stepped on the path to find genuine connection with her body, her erotic wisdom and creative potential. Within four years, she was training to support others on their journey back home.

Working with Chris is a co-creative process of attunement and right-pace. With grounded, curious inquiry, she supports people to find their voice and build trust in their bodies, while discovering the pleasure, power, and potential of their erotic energy.

She bridges the worlds of the practical and numinous in her yoni massage sessions, following moment-to-moment impulses while teaching skills, tools, and practices for people to apply on their own for lasting change. After each session, she works with clients to co-create personalized strategies for maintaining vitality and wellness in their daily lives.

People who learn from Chris begin to see themselves in new ways, connecting their minds, bodies, and hearts. They become more generous, more resourced, more fulfilled, more focused, and more able to access their desires and boundaries. They become clearer about who they are, why they are here, and what is uniquely theirs to do.

While Chris has spent a lifetime developing skills, she imagines her most important assets are her natural curiosity, grounded integrity, and a felt sense of connection to all beings. She brings heart-centered, body-based presence to each session, helping clients feel seen and safe-enough to vulnerably share their deepest longings and open their bodies to be touched into their magic.

Chris offers ongoing sessions in person in her Denver, CO office and around the world on Zoom.
She will travel across the US for immersive experiences with couples and individuals.