Meet A Yoni Massage Therapist: Rachael White

Trained by Kiki Maree, Yonilicious Academy

Rachael White

Why work with Rachael…

She’s a Holistic Sex Coach that is a certified Therapeutic Yoni Mapping Practitioner, certified Somatic Sexologist, as well as Tantric Arts Facilitator.

Weaving all these modalities into her sessions, offering a holistic and grounded approach. Her approach is a little different to most others you’ll come across. 

Why? This work is deep which is why I believe it’s imperative to include supportive pre/post work.

Your sexuality is multifaceted, meaning the path to healing must also be multi-dimensional. This is something she sees as lacking and is here to create a big change in the realms of female sexuality and empowerment. If you’re looking for a quick fix, she’s not your woman. Her work is much more than just an experience to be had. She’s here to support you in the fullest blossoming of who you truly are! 

During her 5 years in this work, she’s helped women/vulva owners overcome a wide range of issues from lack of pleasure, inability to orgasm, pain/numbness, low libido, lack of confidence, inability to speak needs/desires/boundaries, pre/postnatal and trauma.



Byron Bay, New South Wales

Byron Bay is easily accessible from the Gold Coast (Queensland) and is part of the Northern New South Wales area.