You might not expect a place called Yoni Pleasure Palace to be talking about male masturbation, but we have tips and tricks no matter your gender or what equipment you’re packing. 

We firmly stand by the belief that everyone deserves pleasure and can benefit from a self-pleasure practice. And that everyone deserves to have access to education and resources that can help them deepen their relationship with their bodies. 

That’s why we’ve rounded up our top tips for male masturbation!

1) Create a comfortable space

While there’s nothing wrong with a quick rub down just for the sake of it, when you’re intentional about your self-pleasure practice it shifts into just that – a practice.

We’re all sensitive to our environments, some more so than others. When you create a comfortable space for your self-pleasure practice, you’re setting the tone for that much more connection with yourself and your body.

That can mean different things to different people. You may want to tidy up your space, light a candle, or put up some art or images that *inspire you*. Just taking a few minutes to do this can completely change your masturbation experience. 

2) Drop into your body

You’ve cultivated your space, now the next step in being intentional about your self-pleasure practice is dropping into your body.

What does that mean? Whatever you need to do to feel present in your own body. This little step is huge when it comes to being able to feel the different nuances of pleasure possible for you.

Some ways you can drop into your body are by doing some breathing exercises or just taking some deep, clearing breaths, moving your body a bit by circling your hips or doing some gentle stretches, self-massage, or even just checking in and asking your body how it’s feeling and what it needs.

3) Grab the right equipment

You might have almost all the equipment you need built in, but you can certainly enhance the experience with a couple of extra tools.

Our recommendation? The Male Stroker. A 100% waterproof toy with 9.5 cm of insertable length and textured interior, designed for safety and maximum sensation. Made from premium, body-safe materials, this stroker has an inclusive, ergonomic design with an easy-to-grip exterior that lets you customize your experience to your desires.

Of course, no male masturbation toolkit is complete without a quality lube. We recommend a water-based lubricant that’s safe to use with your stroker like this Organic pH Balanced Lubricant.

4) Use your imagination

One of the most powerful tools in your masturbation practice is your imagination. This is your mind and your body so let it run wild.

Whatever fantasies have been running through your mind, now’s the time to tap into them, let them excite you, and lean into even the most wild of your daydreams. 

There can be a lot of stigma around male pleasure, and pleasure in general, but your fantasies are yours to explore and can bring a level of fun and playfulness to your self-pleasure practice.

5) Let yourself explore

Our last tip?

Let yourself explore. There’s so much more going on besides a penis. Your body is full of erogenous zones, so let your hands (and whatever else) roam. 

Your nipples, balls, anus, perineum (area between the balls and anus), and literally anywhere else can be an erogenous zone. 

Nowhere is off limits. This is your body to explore and your pleasure to claim. Enjoy!

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May 21, 2024 — Natasha Weiss

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