Ways of Working with Goddess Venus
Born from the ocean waves, Goddess Venus is the emBODYment of love, joy & pleasure. She brings a lightness wherever she goes & her magnetism is felt because she is a vessel of love, a woman so embodied in her pleasure.
Goddess Venus teaches us how to be empowered in our sacred sexuality and helps us to awaken the goddess that exists within. She reminds us to let love into all aspects & areas of our life, allowing ourselves to be a lighthouse of love.
She is the goddess who empowers us to really exist in our body and love up on it, no matter our shape or size, for self-love knows no bounds. When we connect to the energy of Goddess Venus, we connect to the energy of unconditional love.
Regardless of whether you are in a partnership or not, Goddess Venus allows you to recognise & access divine pleasure that exists from within & is never separate from you.
Her presence can be felt by many and she steps forward and makes her presence known to support those who may struggle with self love, body image and tapping into their divine feminine essence.
As you read through this blog I have listed a few ways in which you can channel and emBODY the energy of Goddess Venus herself.
Ritual bath
Goddess Venus is deeply connected to the element of water, after all she was birthed from the ocean waves. A message I received whilst working with Goddess Venus, is that water is our most abundant source, so by working with the element & energy of water we can tap into the infinite energy of abundance.
Lady Venus showed me a beautiful ritual to do whilst bathing in which I wish to share with you.
Firstly, set up sacred space for yourself. Light the candles, make yourself a tea or cacao, pull out your crystals, buy yourself some roses & put on love frequency music, click here for a playlist I recommend.
As you turn on the tap, observe the water rushing out of the faucet, watching the water levels rise. Hear the beautiful sound of the water splash, see her ripples and allow yourself to get lost in the patterns the water creates. Once the bath is full, submerge as much of your skin under the water as possible. Close down your eyes and feel the water on your skin, visualise the water as liquid gold.
Breath with the water, letting this liquid gold cover you and imagine that your physical vessel is turning to gold. Notice how your body feels, what sensations are running through your body? Stay here for as long as you like, connecting to the physical sensations of the body.
When you feel complete, stand up carefully in the bathtub and let the water drain, visualising anything that no longer serves you releasing out of the bottom of your feet and being washed away down the drain. Stay in the bath until all of the water is gone.
When taking part in this bathing ritual I love to sprinkle rose petals to create an even more relaxing and luxurious experience. The rose is the highest vibrational flower and connects you to your higher heart chakra. It opens you up to be able to give and receive a deeper level of love from yourself and others.
Writing yourself a love letter
When was the last time you loved yourself up with some words of affirmations. A beautiful self-love practice that can attune you with the energy of Goddess Venus is writing yourself a love letter. You don’t have to wait for a partner or a lover to tell you how amazing you are, you can love yourself & write the most beautiful letter about the goddess that is you.
I love writing this letter from the perspective of a partner, what are those things you wish your partner/future partner would say to you? This is your opportunity to say it to yourself first!
Write at least 1 page of loving words to yourself & once you are complete allow this letter to rest on an altar or on your bedside table, somewhere in which you can read these beautiful words as often as you like, just to remind yourself how amazing you truly are goddess.
Dance & Movement
Goddess Venus is all about getting you into your body and one of my favourite ways to connect with her energy is through dance and intuitive movement. She is the goddess of soul expression and there is nothing that helps you to express your soul's essence more than dance and movement.
It is a language without words. A way in which we can converse with the divine, allow her to speak through us. A way in which we can access joy, love, pleasure, sexuality, creation and more.
When we surrender, turn off our minds and turn on our bodies, we can begin to allow the music and movement to guide us. This is where we can experience pure magick. Intuitive movement is not about having to do the “right” steps but just simply moving in a way that feels good for your body.
Venus encourages and holds a sacred space for us to feel empowered by moving and being in our true authentic expression. Intuitive dance and movement is a way in which we can explore our sexuality & pleasure in a new way. By connecting with our body we also connect to the goddess within.
I would recommend listening to the Venus on Valentines playlist to get you connected into the energy of Venus. Click here to listen.
Self-pleasure practice
Goddess Venus is the emBODYment of pleasure so it is no surprise that she would be the one to call when wanting to deepen our relationship to self through our self pleasure practices.
She opens the door for us to feel empowered by our sacred sexuality and to help us realise that we are not wrong for seeking love, joy and pleasure. That it is in fact, innately human.
With deep compassion she opens us up, petal by petal until we are fully cracked open into our deepest and fullest expression of pleasure.
Through a devotional self-pleasure practice we can transform & witness the ripple effects that a pleasure practice can have on the way we move through the world. Allowing us to exist naturally in a deeper state of love, joy & pleasure, in everything that we do.
Browse the Valentine's on Venus Collection for a range of Venus coded pleasure wands...
Crystals to connect with Goddess Venus
Both crystals and shells are a wonderful way in which to connect with Goddess Venus. Crystals that can help you connect with her divine essence are:
Aphrodite Calcite/Rose Calcite: this beautiful pinky stone helps to bring a deeper connection into our relationships, especially romantic & intimate partners. This stone also allows us to experience the world through a lense of divine love, noticing that love truly does exist all around & we can walk through the world with rose tinted glasses.
Kunzite: She is one of the highest love vibration and heart centred crystals out there. She exudes unconditional love, not only for others but also for ourselves while filling us up with a beautiful pink aura.
Carnelian: This sensual crystal allows you to tap into your sacred sexuality & opens up space for you to channel your divine feminine passion. She allows you to harness your sacred sexuality and feel empowered in doing so, awakening the goddess within.
Aquamarine: This dreamy watery crystal connects us with the ocean and encourages us to soften into our true divine feminine flow and allows us to express our truth with a gentle softness.
These are just a few ways in which to connect with the energy of Goddess Venus and to emBODY her teachings and wisdom. If you want to explore Goddess Venus & her teachings further, I (KT) will be hosting a ceremony in which we will channel Goddess Venus through movement, dance, journaling & more. You will also receive a spectrum yoni egg which will be encoded and infused with Goddess Venus’s energy for your own self-pleasure practice.
No matter your connection with Goddess Venus, I hope that you receive divine pleasure always and realise the goddess that you always were.
- Blog Written by KT Malley (kt.malley)