Meet A Yoni Massage Therapist: Carol Mikhael

Trained by the Institute of Somatic Sexology

Carol Mikhael

Carol Mikhael is a professional Tantric bodyworker taking people on sacred sexuality journeys for over 15 years. With a background in Somatic Sexology and Tantra, she specialises in creating safe containers.  She is passionate about women reclaiming their power, their bodies and their pleasure.

A Yoni heart massage is about you reconnecting to yourself, learning about yourself and knowing through your body. Touch and knowledge are the gateways to overcoming shame, sexual blocks and issues you may wish to work with. A Yoni massage is an invitation for you to enter your body, feel your heart and to your power centre which is your Yoni. When you connect to Her, you connect to the source of life. 



North Melbourne, Victoria

a few minutes from Melbourne CBD