8 Ways To Tap into Your Wild Woman Archetype
How many times have you been told that you’re being too loud? That you’re too much? That you need to close your legs, look “put together” at all times, live in a box, and never question the rules set in place for you?
This societal conditioning has been put in place to keep women small and disconnect us from this primal energy that runs through all of us. This domestication of women makes us detached from our instinctual nature, our creativity, and our sexuality.
It keeps us disconnected from our wild woman archetype. An archetype that all of us have inside us – including you.
Explore what the wild woman archetype is – and how to tap into it.
The archetypes
Psychiatrist Carl Jung coined the term “archetypes” in 1919, writing about them in his book “The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious”. While he didn’t exactly talk about the wild woman archetype, he instead wrote about the outlaw archetype that involved into the wild woman.
Other archetypes that women typically fall under are the mother, the maiden, the sage, the huntress, the mystic, and the warrior. We all have some elements of all these archetypes in us. Some are more socially acceptable than others, but the wild woman is one of the most suppressed ones.
The wild woman
So who is the wild woman?
If the domesticated woman is restricted and repressed, the wild woman is the opposite. The wild woman isn’t afraid to be messy, to be ugly, to show up with unshaven legs or hair all over the place.
The wild woman doesn’t care what people think. She is courageous, she speaks up and says what’s on her mind. She has an inherent sense of belonging and grounding in her own body and on the planet.
This is your instinctual nature. Here are eight tips for tapping into the wild woman inside you.
1) Get into nature
When you feel disconnected from yourself and your instinctual nature, you need to quite literally touch grass. Go walk barefoot outside. Explore nature. Float in a natural body of water, letting the water embrace you and ripple over your skin.
If you want to connect with your natural instincts, the fastest way to do that is to be in nature. This lets you quiet down, tune into your intuition, feel the power of Mama Earth, and in turn, feel your own power.
2) Work with the moon
Getting in touch with the moon cycles helps you remember how connected you are with not only the Earth but the whole universe around you. We are so connected to the moon, that’s why our menstrual cycles reflect them.
Start tracking the lunar cycles and see what patterns you can connect with your own rhythms. You can start by holding rituals during the full and new moons.
3) Connect with your womb
Your womb is the seat of creation and creativity. The more you can connect with it, the more in touch you’ll be with your feminine power. Whether or not you still menstruate, you can still connect with your womb.
Free bleeding is an incredibly powerful way to connect with your menstrual cycle. Our Womb Free Bleeding Waterproof Splash Blanket™ ($139.99 AUD) is adorned with empowering art that weaves in serpent energy, symbolizing kundalini – the divine creative feminine energy rising, fertility, rebirth, transformation, healing & sexual desire.
Another great tool to connect with your womb is our Clay Womb Mask ($66 AUD) – a powerful healing tool crafted to support the health and wellness of the female reproductive system. This all-natural, non-toxic mask promotes detoxification, soothes inflammation, and supports hormonal balance.
4) Embrace your sexual being
The wild woman fully embraces her pleasure and sexuality without shame – and so can you. Embracing your sexual being helps you to take your power back and tap into a stream of energy that is the source of all creation.
Your sexual energy is creative, it’s magnetic, it’s tantalizing, it’s so incredibly powerful.
We love the The Raiya ($185 AUD) for tapping into the power of your sexuality. Made from red jasper – a crystal found in abundance around the world, that helps you realize what is truly worthy of your time, energy, and resources as you begin to prioritize self-love and have your needs met first. With it's straight-shape, The Rayia can provide stimulation to the G-Spot while also accessing the Cervix with deeper penetration.

Another favorite is the Domina ($220 AUD), carved out of pure Black Obsidian crystal, the Domina has ridges and curves in all the right places to reach your G-spot. Obsidian is the stone for releasing negative energy, letting go of energetic hook, and protecting and grounding yourself.

5) Create instead of consume
We live in a society designed to consume. Fast fashion, social media, fast food. All of it is fine in moderation, but when you get too swept up you forget that you are a creative force of nature.
What can you do to start to create more than you consume? Write in your journal every morning. Do a doodle to wind down after work instead of scrolling? Get inspired in the kitchen instead of getting takeout? Every little act of creation helps to create momentum that feeds the wild woman.
6) Build self-trust
Self-trust is palpable to those around you and is the core essence of the wild woman. You trust yourself enough to show up full force in whatever you're doing. One of the best ways you can help build self-trust is by keeping your word to yourself.
This means when you tell yourself you're going to do something, you do it. Whether it's a work goal, working out a certain amount of times per week, or setting that boundary that's been taking up space in the back of your mind.
A beautiful way of building self-trust with your body and soul is attending a workshop or retreat on rewilding. You can also go to a ‘Naked Awakening’ women’s only nude yoga workshop by Rosie Rees, which involves stripping back naked and practicing yoga, meditation and movement by candlelight.
7) Reflect on what you want
The wild woman is clear about what she wants out of life, she sees life as this sacred and beautiful experience where she has the power to mold and shift it into something that fulfills her.
Are you just going through the motions of life? Or do you actually know what you want? This is an invitation to journal and reflect on what values are most important to you and what you want out of your life.
8) Get into your body
The wild woman is present in her body. She feels the ebbs and flows and she feels the power in her physical form. What can you do to become more and more present in your body?
Some great ways to do it are dancing, self-massage, taking a bath, or literally just sitting and doing a body scan about how you feel and where you're holding tension or spaciousness. This wild woman playlist is great to put on and start to move your body release some energy and tap into the wild woman that's already inside you.

Go at your own pace and revel in over 14 modules of sexually empowering masterclasses, tutorials, guided meditations, guest interviews and practical yoni egg exercises plus a monthly women's sister circle on Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month. If you desire consistency, connection and community, this VIP Golden Yoni portal is the perfect place to be. Sign up now for only $40/month with no lock in contracts.