You are your own most powerful healer.

Especially when it comes to navigating the sometimes precarious territory of self-love and acceptance. You already have all the confidence, vitality, magnetism, and love inside you that you need to live your fullest most abundant life.

But sometimes it can be hard to actually tap into those energies. Self-healing involves peeling away the layers that are keeping you from being the version of yourself that you dream of. 

One of the most powerful self-healing tools for deconstructing those layers and getting to your core self is mirror work. That’s right, all it takes is me, myself, and I (or you and your mirror in this case)!

What is mirror work?

When you don’t feel like your most empowered, sometimes it can be hard to face yourself.

When you do sit with yourself, you might feel shame, intimidation, sadness, grief, or any combination of emotions. But there’s immense power when you let these emotions come up, feel them, and move through them.

You know that saying “The only way out is through”? Well, it’s true. 

When you gaze into a mirror, whether you’re looking at your eyes or at different parts of your body, you’re to feel the discomfort and then let it alchemize into the strength you start to see in yourself.

Gazing at yourself you start to see just how powerful you are. How much magic, creativity, and love you hold in your being. This is all yours to have and to share, but first, you need to dig it up.

Here are five steps for practicing mirror work. You deserve all the self-healing!

1) Create the space

If you want to clear away whatever is holding you back internally, you first need to create the external environment to support your healing.

First things first, you obviously need a mirror! A full-length mirror is ideal, if you have one that goes to the floor that’s great (especially for step 5!). But really, you can practice mirror work in your bathroom or with a compact or portable mirror as well.

No matter where you’re doing it, you’ll want your space to be nice and tidy. It’s also nice to lay on a fur rug or squirt blanket. You can create a sacred space by setting up an altar. Get yourself flowers and light some incense – we love these Vulva Crystals ($39.95 AUD) holding incense on an altar. 



2) Try a guided meditation

Mirror Work can be intense – especially if it’s new for you. You can help ease yourself into these feelings with a guided meditation. This can be done before or during your mirror-work practice.

Our founder Rosie created this Self Acceptance Meditation ($5 AUD) to guide you through a meditation intended for you to fully accept each and every part of your body, mind, and soul. 



In a world of constant self-improvement, self-acceptance is the antidote to self-loathing and the incessant addiction to striving. For some people ‘self-love’ can feel unattainable and impossible to reach, however, to come into a surrendered space of acceptance brings much-needed relief.

This meditation helps you to remember and fully realize that you are enough, just as you are.

3) Practice eye gazing

Your eyes truly are the window to the soul. Your left eye in particular! 

If you want to uncover your true essence, try staring into your left eye in the mirror. This window to the soul holds all the stories about yourself that it’s time to release. It also shows you just how much power and radiance you hold in that beautiful soul of yours.

Start with a minute or so at a time, you can even set a timer if it feels intense to maintain. Take deep breaths. Feel, listen, and sit with whatever comes up. Your soul has so many messages to communicate with you – this is one of the most potent ways to do that.

4) Try breast gazing

In yogic philosophy, there’s a concept called “the arcline”, This is essentially your halo. It’s what gives you radiance and where you project your power from. 

Everyone has one that goes from earlobe to earlobe, but women have another one from nipple to nipple. Think of all your breasts do or are capable of doing – they are the ultimate source of nutrients, whether or not you ever lactate or breastfeed, you still hold this energy inside you. 

You can start strengthening the power of your arcline with breast gazing. Enhance the power of breast gazing by simultaneously massaging your breasts. This Guided Breast Meditation ($30 AUD) allows you to explore the transformative power of breast massage as a tool for healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. 

During this guided meditation, you’ll be gently led through two breast massage techniques that connect you to your body, your breast's wisdom and your breath. One technique is for releasing and letting go of what’s built up on your heart/chest, the other is for calling forth and bringing in what you truly desire and deserve.

We recommend using an oil like this Breast Massage Oil from Shemana Heart Activation to massage your breasts while you gaze at them in the mirror. This oil helps attune you to your heart chakra, fostering self-love, stability, nurturing, forgiveness, emotional Healing, and unconditional love.


5) Experience pussy gazing

If your breasts are a source of nourishment, then your pussy is the source of life. Whether it’s a creative passion project or an actual baby – this is the seat of creation.

Plus so many women and people with vulvas carry so much shame around their pussies. When you’re able to break down this shame with practices like mirror work, you start to feel your creative power and heal whatever is keeping you from creating the life that you want.

Try pussy gazing in the mirror for three minutes to a slow song that helps you feel connected to your sensuality. Another way to practice pussy gazing is by watching yourself self-pleasure. Watch how you bloom as you become filled with desire!



The Eros Wand ($199 AUD) is designed to awaken your inner ‘eros’ - your pulse of aliveness. Made of pure Brazilian Rose Quartz, this wand has one bulbous thicker end for G-Spot activation and a longer tapered end for cervical massage. Her rounded ends feel smooth and sleek internally – pleasuring the vaginal canal and waking up all her juicy erogenous zones.

In Greek Mythology, Eros was the god of love, the son of Aphrodite. Eros would often activate creative energy as well as sexuality, love, and desire, which this wand is made to call forth in each woman who uses her for this intention. Perfect for mirror work!


Go at your own pace and revel in over 14 modules of sexually empowering masterclasses, tutorials, guided meditations, guest interviews and practical yoni egg exercises plus a monthly women's sister circle on Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month. If you desire consistency, connection and community, this VIP Golden Yoni portal is the perfect place to be. Sign up now for only $40/month with no lock in contracts.  

October 22, 2024 — Natasha Weiss

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