How to Shift From Genital Sneezes to Full Body Orgasms

I haven’t met a woman who is not interested in developing her orgasms.
Orgasm can be just a few seconds peak experience - what I call a "genital sneeze" - and this is what most women who orgasm experience. (Including me, for many years...)
Or, orgasms can be delicious pleasure waves that can take us on a journey into bliss... that can open us beyond what we ever knew was possible… that can make every cell of our being vibrate with joy…that can expand our consciousness and connect us to "God"!
I promise that after experiencing a deep, vaginal orgasm, you won’t be satisfied by the few seconds peaks that are triggered by clitoral stimulation. These will still be pleasurable and fun, but they don't take you to the same places as vaginal orgasms; the ones that can literally change your life and your mental health. I am referring to the G-spot, A-spot, cervico-uterine, vaginal entrance, orgasms experienced in various chakras, multi-orgasms and full body orgasms.
{These glass and crystal products can help stimulate these types of orgasms during solo masturbation}.
The fact is – every woman is capable of having those.
And so are you, and I have the perfect tool for that. It’s called Yoni Egg Yoga, and you can learn more about it inside the Golden Yoni Membership.
But first let’s have a look at why are you still not experiencing those profound, at times earthshaking orgasms...
1. Perception
Most women don’t feel and know much about their vaginas. There is a massive disconnect. And the vaginas become numb. You have to bring your vagina back to life – wake her up.
And there are some great tools for that out there: vaginal massage, vaginal exercises, and Taoist practices with a yoni egg. We recommend a medium size, Nephrite Jade Egg drilled with string as your beginning yoni egg.
2. Control
You are addicted to control and have a hard time letting go. The huge factor that will lead far beyond what you thought you were capable of is the ability to open up, let go and surrender. Surrender and opening our tender heart to our partner is especially important for women. Because women’s orgasms have a strong emotional component to them, and our heart has to be involved.
3. Trust
When it comes to deep sex, deep connection, and deep orgasms, casual sex becomes rather an obstacle to getting there. Also, if you have unresolved issues between you and your partner – this might make you feel blocked and unorgasmic. There shouldn’t be anything that’s holding you back. If there is – first resolve it first, then go to bed.
4. Length of the love making
Most women can’t reach an orgasm in 10 minutes. Even in 20. A woman needs at least 30 minutes of love making to experience a really profound orgasm. You need to build up the length of the lovemaking up to at least 30-45 minutes. And then you can increase up to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours… And more!
5. Weak vagina
This is the case for most women, especially those who’ve never done anything to strengthen the vaginal muscles. Powerful vagina is a vagina that is flexible, toned and well-lubricated. You have no difficulty separating out various groups of muscles inside her (yes, there are plenty of those), by squeezing her in a particular way you can help your partner last longer in bed, or bring more pleasure to both of you during intercourse. Your partner will love it. Want some of that? Sometimes weak and numb also comes together with dry and sore.
So what’s about that whole yoni egg thing?
I have not met a woman who put energy and focus into working out these issues and was still unable to have an orgasm. It is your birthright to have orgasms and all the pleasure in the world!
The recipe is internal massage and Yoni egg practices.
This a really tiny tool that can bring a powerful transformation to your relationship with your yoni and your sexual life. Basically, it is an egg-shaped crystal that we use inside the vagina and performs various practices with it.
One of my favourite exercises with the egg is meditating with the egg in and doing four counts of gentle pelvic pulses, followed by a long slow release for four counts, relaxing all the muscles, and feeling the sensations rising up in the body.
If you want to go deep into this powerful practice, develop those amazing orgasms, deeply honour your femininity, unleash your powerful liberated sexual nature, establish a profound relationship with your yoni - I have something for you!
For more inspiration, please feel free to check out our blog or join our private Facebook group dedicated to anything sexual, relationship/love, menstruation, masturbation, kink, yoni egg related and more!.
The Golden Yoni Membership, led by Rosie Rees, offers immediate access to fourteen enriching modules, inclusive of a bonus Yoni Egg Initiations module. Enjoy different 6-day live Yoni Egg Immersion, guided tutorials, meditations, and connect with a community in a dedicated members-only Facebook group, all at your own pace and without contractual obligations. The program spans various topics, including Yoni Egg Yoga through the 7 Chakras, creating a safe space for sexuality exploration, and understanding the connection between sex, money, and business. Rosie continuously adds new content weekly to ensure a dynamic learning experience. Guest experts contribute to the diverse range of teachings, making this membership a holistic platform for those seeking to reconnect with their Yoni, heal from past traumas, and unlock new levels of pleasure and empowerment.