5 Foods for Your Yoni’s Optimal Health
Understanding Vaginal Dryness: How to Increase Lubrication
5 Ways to Practice Yoni Self-Care
You know what doesn’t get talked about enough in self-care conversation? Your yoni.
That’s why we’ve rounded up five tools to help you on your yoni self-care journey!
How To Do a Yoni Steam at Home With Founder, Rosie Rees
3 Ways to Explore Bisexuality, Unicorns & Threesomes Within A Healthy Marriage
The Powerful Benefits of Internal, Herbal Vaginal Cleansing
What is Your Yoni Trying to tell you when it comes to 'Thrush?'
In this blog we delve into the energetic meaning behind Thrush, and look at key questions you can ask yourself to uncover a deeper meaning behind this vaginal condition that affects around 75% of people at some point. Plus, we talk prevention, treatment options and our favourite products to support your yoni health.
Everything you need to know about Bacterial Vaginosis
In this blog we unpack the taboo subject that is BV. We delve into our founder Rosie’s theory on Bacterial Vaginosis and the tools we love to health and support a healthy and happy yoni.
7 Ways to Naturally Heal Vaginismus (i.e pelvic tension)
Vaginismus is an involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor muscles, causing pain during vaginal penetration. It's essentially a condition whereby the vagina clamps up and will not allow any form of physical penetration (penis, fingers, tampon, menstrual cup). Here are 7 ways you can naturally heal your vaginismus: