How Pelvic Floor Exercises and My Yoni Egg Helped Me Avoid Prolapse Surgery - A blog by Rosie's Mum.

Hello, my name is Jeanie Rees and I am Rosie’s Mother (founder of Yoni Pleasure Palace). This is the story of my journey with my pelvic floor, prolapse and the yoni crystal eggs.
As a mature women of nearly 60 I want to share with you my experiences, benefits & surprises using some of the beautiful products from Rosie’s Online Shop - The Yoni Pleasure Palace.

It is a little ironic, but my pelvic floor journey began with the birth of Rosie.
I was a younger Mum, which is a bonus – but she was a big baby at 8lb 4oz. Yes, ouch! I had a complete moment of clarity about 5 minutes prior to her birth that this was the very last time I would be in this situation again. My birth was what is now called a ‘free birth’! When I had her it was simply that I was alone in the delivery room, as in the country hospital where she was born the sole nurse & doctor had to attend an emergency delivery approximately 10 minutes before that moment of clarity… And so just her & me at her delivery – a truly beautiful experience, one I will forever remember!
Back to the pelvic floor journey…
In the weeks & months after her birth I experienced a feeling of looseness and bubbles of air passing from my vagina. I thought this would pass as I had not had any pelvic floor education or advice. (This was country Queensland Australia in the 80’s – not an excuse, but there was just no suggestion to do so). So, I visited my doctor & was referred to a Physiotherapist who specialised in prolapse issues – both vaginal & bowel. I hadn’t even thought of bowel, but it certainly didn’t hurt learning what I did with my Physio. I went into pelvic floor training – I went in hard with the determination to get ‘things’ back to a good ‘order’. I She did the internal examination & evaluated my uterus was also tilted back. If she said do 20 x (pulling in & up exercises) 5 times a day, I did 100 x 5 times a day, as well as stopping the flow on the loo each time. With all of the pelvic floor training I had complete success. I was so pleased with the results.
I was also informed I would have to keep doing them & regularly for there to be no deterioration or going backwards. And I did – I didn’t keep going super hard, but to this day I do my pelvic floor exercises.

Enter Rosie & her wonderful Yoni Eggs…
I think it was around 7 years ago when she first brought the Yoni Eggs into Australia following an Indian trip and sabbatical. At that time I was also helping out at the Online Shop & decided to try a Yoni Egg. I commenced with a Medium Rose Quartz egg & I found it a challenge to begin with – to keep it in. Definitely needed to be home at the beginning & preferably around the carpeted areas! They do fall out… I kept at it and maybe I went back to ‘hard training’, but with success. I ended up having the strength to keep in a super small Jade egg. It has become second nature to use my little Yoni egg, but I do use string with it!! (Just in case...)
Doing the pelvic floor exercises has definitely saved me from vaginal prolapse surgery…
The added bonus is the strengthening of the sphincter muscle and not having to be concerned with any bowel prolapse. Doing the pelvic floor exercises has definitely saved me from vaginal prolapse surgery and the possibility of saving the bowel prolapse also. Prolapse surgery is personal, invasive, a period of recovery required, time out of your life, pain, medication, expense of surgery and medical costs. A long list. All of this can more than likely be avoided with the pelvic floor exercises and with the added benefit of using the Yoni Eggs as weight training for your pelvis. I also realise there may be individual circumstances when the surgery may still be required. Please note this is not an article of medical advice, simply my personal experience to share.

The bonuses keep on coming…
I have realised that using the Yoni Egg brings your mind into a connection with your vagina and your womanliness. As a mature women, or for whatever reason, I feel I can become disconnected from myself in a sexual manner & this is not uncommon following menopause also. We seriously get all the fun stuff!! Using the eggs & some of the crystal wands has reconnected me to my inner woman. I do not have a partner & the crystal wands are so sensual, beautiful and the elements of any/each of the various crystals and stones are worth looking into – for your personal choices.
In conclusion, whether for pelvic floor health, your personal sexual satisfaction & wellness – not to mention your overall physical and mental health benefits – to me it’s a no-brainer & you can only gain happiness. Thanks for reading about my story, I wish you all the very best on your journey! xx Jeanie
A quick word from Rosie…
PROUD DAUGHTER ALERT! Rosie here, there is nothing more heart-warming than helping those you love the most, giving back to the people who have given you so much. I am SO proud of my mumma. If you need a helping hand when choosing your yoni egg, please feel so welcome to reach out to myself or one of the team here at YPP. You can send us a DM on instagram or pop as an email.
With Love, Rosie and the YPP team xxx

Amy said:
I’m curious – I didn’t see mention here that she had a diagnosed prolapse and was recommended surgery but then avoided it with Jade egg use. Is that the case?