Tantric Sex: 26 of the Hottest Tips for Masturbation and Partner Play

Although most people have heard of tantra, few people truly know what it entails, how to practice it, and the many benefits of it. Here, we'll look at tips for practicing tantric sex, both through masturbation and with a partner.
What Is Tantra?
Although sex is the first thing to come to mind when it comes to tantra, it ultimately comes down to a deep connection between you and a partner or with yourself.
The word itself, derived from Sanskrit, means to "weave energy" or "web". It is all about spiritual and sexual awareness and enlightenment by engaging in intimate, spontaneous, meditative connection and sex.
What Are the Benefits of Tantra?

Learning and practicing tantra can help you:
Become more in-tune with your body
Enhance the way your body feels pleasure
Learn more about what gives you pleasure
Discover your body's wants and needs
Intensify your orgasms
Channel energy throughout your body
Get to know your partner's body better
Create a more harmonious bond with your partner
Become more spiritually present and physically aware
Explore deeper aspects of your personality
Truly know yourself (and your partner) inside and out
How Do I Get Started Practicing Tantra?
Are you interested in practicing tantra and overwhelmed with how to start? Do you want to try tantra but aren't sure how to bring up the conversation with your partner?
Here are some easy tips for getting started with tantra, whether by yourself or with a partner:
Begin with a clear mindset to allow yourself to connect with your soul, mind, and body
Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and learn more about yourself
Spend 10 to 15 minutes meditating to prepare your mind for tantra
Seek out a teacher to help you (or you and a partner) learn more about the practice of tantra
Listen closely to your partner and any hesitation or questions they may have and respect their decision
Spend 30 minutes a day journaling
How To Prepare Your Mind For Tantra Practice
Since tantra is a spiritual practice, your mind plays as much of a role as your body. Here is a simple breathwork exercise to try to get prepped for tantra practice:
Breathe gently, all the way down into your lower back and belly, for 15 to 30 minutes
Focus intently on what is going on in your mind
Gently stretch for a few minutes, clearing your mind and breathing deeply and consciously as you go and easing away any negative thoughts
How To Prepare Your Space for Tantra Practice
Tantra is not about orgasm or sex -- it is all about the journey. Having a relaxed, calm environment is key for helping you fully enjoy that journey.
Try the following tips to ensure your space is set up properly for tantra practice:
Keep your room at a comfortable temperature
Use candles or tinted light bulbs to give the room a sensual, soft touch
Burn incense, light a candle, or diffuse your favourite essential oil to add a sexy, enjoyable (not overwhelming) scent to the room
Use plush cushions or a throw pillow to soften the space
Play music to set a sexual, romantic vibe
How To Prepare Your Body For Tantra Practice
Whether alone or with a partner, is it important to prep your body for tantra practice. Along with preparing your mind and space, try these tips for preparing your body:
Give yourself a full body massage using your favourite lotion or oil. You can also have your partner massage you. Focus on your inner thighs, groin, neck, arms, legs, belly, and chest.
Take time to explore your genitals by touching yourself in new ways, using different strokes, changing up your speed, and using harder or softer touches
Breathe deeply and slowly during masturbation and meditation
Be fully present and allow yourself to focus intently on the different sensations you feel
Allow yourself to experience your emotions fully
Tap into your inner energy and power
Set an intention (this could be anything from feeling more comfortable in your skin, connecting with yourself, experiencing an orgasm, or building your self-love)
If with a partner, enjoy a shower together, look into each other's eyes as you sit directly across from each other, touch each other sensually, take turns massaging each other, kiss -- enjoy the build up!

Does Tantra Always Involve Sex?
Of course, tantra offers a natural build up that often leads to sex. However, it all comes down to connection. If you choose to have sex, move forward slowly and with intent. And feel free to get creative with new positions or desires. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the experience.
Tips For A Deeper Tantra Practice With a Partner
Lay together and cuddle either spooning or with your hearts and stomach aligned -- either position allows for energy exchange and enhanced connection (this allows for energy exchange and connection -- spooning is especially great for this)
When cuddling, allow your breaths to harmonize
Let the intensity build
Gaze into each other's eyes for as long as possible without blinking
Be clear and honest with your partner about what you like and have your partner do the same
Set a clear intention for your tantra practice so you know what you want to get out of it (i.e. better sex, a strengthened relationship, a closer connection to yourself or your partner)
General Tantra Tips
Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your tantra practice and making it as unique, gratifying, and enjoyable as possible:
You can stay fully clothed or be completely naked -- it all comes down to your comfort level
Focus on breathing deeply and being present in the moment
Engage all your senses by playing soft music, lighting candles, touch yourself or your partner slowly, stare into your partner's eyes, putting out soft blankets, etc.
Take it nice and slow, relax your mind, and soak in every second of your tantra practice
Ease into tantra practice by adding in one or two elements of it at a time, either by yourself or with a partner
Have fun and feel free to experiment
Take time to explore your body or your partner's body
Breathing Tips for Tantra
Deep, intentional breathing is key to any tantric practice. Proper breathing helps free your mind, open your body, connect you to yourself or your partner, and feel sensations deeper. Try these tantra breathing exercises on your own or with your partner.
The Stimulating Breath
The stimulating breath can help boost energy and heighten awareness:
Close your eyes
Soften your belly
Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose (be sure to keep your mouth closed)
Do three in-and-out breaths each second for a total of 15 seconds
Once the breathing cycle ends, breathe normally, then repeat for 20 seconds
Increase each cycle by 5 seconds until you reach a full minute
The 4-7-8 Breath
The 4-7-8 breathing technique encourages relaxation and decreased tension. This is a great technique to try while sitting across from a partner:
Exhale through your mouth before closing it
Inhale gently through your nose while mentally counting to 4
Hold your breath as you count to 7 in your head
Exhale completely through your mouth to a count of eight
Repeat the cycle a total of three more times
The Counting Breath
The counting breath is a form of meditation that helps clear your mind, center yourself, and connect with your body:
Take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed
Breath naturally before inhaling, then counting "one" as you exhale
As you exhale again, count out "two"
Work your way up to 5 before repeating the cycle
What Are Some Good Tantra Positions?
As tantra focuses on connection rather than certain movements, any position can be used in practice. To get started, here are some great tantra positions to try with a partner.
With a partner:
With your partner sitting cross-legged, sit on your partner's upper thighs
Cross your ankles behind their back
Stare into each other's eyes and synchronize your breathing

By yourself:
Sit cross-legged with palms on your knees
Keep a straight back
Breathe slowly and deeply
Hand on Heart
With a partner:
Face your partner and sit cross-legged
Place your right hand on their heart
Have your partner place their right hand on your heart
Close your eyes and tune into each other's heart rhythms
Focus deeply on the emotion and energy between your partner and yourself
Allow the connection to build between your hand and your partner's heart
By yourself:
Sit cross-legged with a straight back
Place your right hand over your heart
Close your eyes
Focus on your heart's rhythm
Tune in to your emotion and energy
Feel the connection between your hand and your heart build
The Relaxed Arch
With a partner:
Have your partner sit upright on the floor or a bed with straight legs
Sit on your knees on your partner's lap
Once you get comfortable, slowly arch your back
Rest your head between your partner's legs
Grab hold of your partner's feet or ankles
By yourself:
Sit on your knees on the floor or your bed
Arch your back slowly once you are comfortable
Rest your head gently on the floor or the bed
Stretch your arms above your head
Face your palms downward
Use one hand to explore your body
Orgasm Control for Tantra
Controlling your orgasm -- also known as edging -- is a great way to experience deeper, more powerful, more explosive climaxes. To do this, let yourself come right to the edge of orgasm before pulling back just before climax. Feel the orgasmic, tingling sensations build throughout your body before starting again.
Repeat as many times as you wish before finally allowing yourself the full release of an intense, full-body, mind-bending orgasm.

Sacred Spot Massage for Tantra
To do sacred spot massage, gently rub your partner's upper wall of their vagina or their prostate gland. Allow the energy and heat to grow and focus on helping your partner built up release emotions.
Are You Curious To Try Tantra?
Have you tried tantric sex before? Have you always wanted to practice tantra but haven't been sure how? I highly recommend tantra for connecting on a deeper level with both yourself and your partner.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or join my private Facebook group dedicated to providing a safe space for women to share all their thoughts and questions on sex, self-love, and relationships.