Five Tips For Using a Crystal Yoni Egg for Self-Healing Pleasure
How a Yoni Egg Healed Belinda Love's Womb
3 Ways to Explore Bisexuality, Unicorns & Threesomes Within A Healthy Marriage
Is It Normal To Cry After Sex? (Why You Shouldn't Be Ashamed)
Have you ever cried during or after sex? We look at why it is perfectly normal, and more common than you might think, to cry after sex.
The Power in Submission
It was within this bubble of trust and intimacy that I found power in submission; power to explore my physical, emotional, and sexual limits, power to say no to things I was uncomfortable with, and power to express my emotions in any way they surfaced. ‘Submission’ and ‘surrender’ quickly became interchangeable terms for me. Whether it was within a ‘Sub’ and ‘Dom’ relationship, or just the act of submitting to a feeling, I found that I could never do either of these things without surrendering to my most authentic self first.